We have reached the halfway point in our journey, collectively and individually. Wherever you are, you are growing!
Want to know a secret? Appreciate the moment and give it everything you have. Remind yourself today at the halfway mark that you have all the time, love and resources through Christ that strengthens you. Blessings!
Rev. Jacki
I am grateful! I want to share my gratitude today with and for the MPC Women and anyone else who is here with us or whom you share with. You all are EXCEPTIONAL WOMEN, COLLECTIVELY AND INDIVIDUALLY.
I read a post written by Jill Will on May 22, 2015, from where she shared my testimony and these words were written: ” Her testimony but really it is OURS for we are a family that prays together…and thank God!”
Yes, your testimony is OUR testimony, your struggles are OUR struggles, your victories are OUR victories. You are never ever alone.
Let me ask you something – as you have been on this journey, did you feel alone; like no one really would understand; have you had thoughts of mass destruction and then felt guilty; are you feeling guilty cause you have not let go of some things, because it hurts too much and has for so long?
You are never alone – you are never alone. If there are any intercessors out here today, I ask that you intercede on behalf of your sisters – and yourself. ( little secret – as an intercessor, I frequently neglect me)
Thank you Lord, as You bless me to spiritually mature and you are so real about my being a work in progress, because you allow me daily to be your clay – I thank you! My heart is glad ( even though tears my flow), when I can’t say a word of praise or gratitude, you reach within with the Holy Spirit to make intercession for me and I am grateful.
My sister – who ever you are, I feel you as I type this. While your heart is troubled, I am standing here for you – I understand! Details are not necessary, just know that God has spoken to me and please don’t let Go. I love you!
I dedicate this song to you today –https://youtu.be/4Fx3l2DMDh4
and this one which is reference in the previous song:
Rev. Jacki
Praying your strength today.
Thank you, Dear Lord for carrying me through everything in my life. Today, my desire is to believe, affirm and be strengthened by:
Walking in Your light and accepting your promises. You love me just as I am and I too will learn to love me as You love me; Not attacking myself; Embracing Your teachings to forgive everyone and everything and most of all to forgive myself. I release guilt and I breathe out fear. I will not be afraid of these changes that are coming forth through the Holy Spirit.
Your light shines brightly within me and from this day forward, I no longer need to seek attention from others or approval. I long for You; my Needs now are to live in Your grace and mercy and not crave anything from anyone or any situation any longer.
I desire to fully emit the love that You are and that I become one with You in pure joy. But, most of all I want to trust.
Your words soothe my soul ” Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” – Thank You Lord for your words of comfort, protection and love from John 14. In Jesus name it is done. AMEN!
Rev. Jacki
P.S. The first graphic is from a minister partner and friend Rev Anthony!
I recently read this: Love holds no grievances. If you are holding grievances, it is impossible to know your Self.
The original thought was to guide you, as the reader through a grievance protocol; then I thought, as we go through this journey to release triggers, today that would be counterproductive. I received confirmation in prayer that I am on the right track. Today, let’s look at forgiveness:
We have been encouraged to forgive since the beginning of time – this not a new concept. It is however a necessary journey for us to know ourselves and take to reach our level of greatness in Christ Jesus – to fully recognize the plans that our Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ has for us.
I used to stand by this statement: ” If you cannot remember the details of the grievance, then you have forgiven” and that is WRONG thinking because that implies that it is okay to still hold on to some vestiges of the grievance and just that little bit can result in hidden triggers that we have.
Here is what we say and I thank and praise God this morning for God’s responses:
I will forgive but I will NOT forget:
And God responds: Daughter : “You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depth of the sea.” Micah 7:19 (NIV)
It has happened many many times:
And God responds: Daughter: “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother ( sister, mother, father, siblings, supervisor, Pastor, friend, person in the street, while I am driving, etc), when he sins against me? Up to seven times? “Jesus answered, ” I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times, ( without conditions).” Matthew 18:21-22 ( NIV and my additions)
I hurt
And God responds: Daughter – “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace – like forgiveness maybe?], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation].Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple – that ain’t easy either cause rolling neck, people], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and ( not but) YOU WILL FIND REST [renewal, blessed quiet of those voices] FOR YOUR SOULS. For MY yoke is easy [to bear] and MY burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (AMP with my additions)
And God spoke to me ( I am not sure if this message is just for me – type Amen or Ouch if it touches you) ” when you hold on to those things, unforgiveness, forgiveness with conditions, grievances, you keep MY broken body nailed to the cross. Is that your desire Daughter? Is your pain so great, that I should remain on the Cross; not be resurrected and provide you with a comforter in the Holy Spirit?
And if it is, I will still love you; I will hold you in my arms as you are still my Vessel of Honor. I LOVE you and my LOVE for you holds no grievances.
Rev. Jacki
You are created by God. As God’s magnificent gift, you are love, lovable and loving. Commit to that in your mind. Today erase anything else. The Holy Spirit is the magnet that will wipe away the old tapes.
I praise You, my Lord, I praise You! It’s praises for You continually being in my mouth that help me to not get it twisted for nothing about Life is ever about me or any one or any thing else-just & only about You! I do so praise You, God! I praise You that You bless us to be continually blessed because of who & how You always are: a praiseworthy God! Praise, You, God; praise You!
Rev. Jacki
The Day of Pentecost is our 15th day together on our SpiritWoman journey. On the day of Pentecost, in the year A.D. 30, 120 followers of a man named Jesus were gathered together in Jerusalem. Suddenly the Spirit of God filled each one of them and marked them with tongues of fire.
Those 120 disciples were just a handful of rather ordinary men and women, a few fishermen, a couple of housewives, a former tax collector, a few farmers and some servant girls. Yet through these ordinary people God built a Church.
On this beautiful Sunday, reflect on the Holy Spirt, your comforter and allow yourself to fall in love and cast all your cares on Jesus; we have obtained the staying power of God to see us through all the ups and downs of life. The Holy Spirit brings his power into our lives in a quiet and unobtrusive way.
Today’s affirming statements:
I have Holy Ghost Power to move from anything that hinders, stops or blocks my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I am free!
God Bless You!
Rev. Jacki
Good morning,
Well, we are 14 days in and I don’t know about you, BUT IT HAPPENED BIG. Let’s just say I was not singing SMILE by Kirk Franklin☺. Noooo, oh Noooo, more like my very own lyrics to STOMP and no, wasn’t a word of God in my version.
What happened, I did not pause, I did not think. I REACTED internally. A whole range of emotions went on and it was like Gospel music meeting up at a Heavy Metal concert – that is an antitheses. It ain’t happening.
To be honest, when we are in full force trigger drive, we resemble this visual and it is not for the faint at heart:
Yes, this visual places it in perspective!
As I came back to reality, I had to Give God glory, praise and honor God for mercy. As tore up as I was attempting to be and as foolish as I allowed myself to get – thank God for Jesus sacrifice, I prayed:
Jesus, I thank You for the Wisdom of knowing just how vitally necessary prayer is to our lives. This ceaseless means of connecting & communicating with You is the heartbeat of our salvation & the uplifting of our hearts, minds & souls. Jesus, it was Your pray-er for God’s will to be done & not Your own that led You to the excruciating Cross of Calvary out of obedience to our Father & agape Love for us all. And still, even now, “the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words can’t express.” This means prayers go forth ceaselessly on our behalf for again, God, You knew in the beginning just how much we, Your love-created, yet wayward people, would perpetually stand in need of prayer. So yes, my Lord, I praise You for prayer, because You know I sho’ nuff need it – both to offer and receive it all the time! Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Yes, I am grateful to say I am a fool for Christ sake from 1 Corinthians 4:10.
Have a wonderful Saturday and Gospel Fit event!
Rev. Jacki
Releasing Attachments. My body slapped me and I had to apologize. I thank you for praying for my healing each and every time that my Mother and my Sisters shared I was in need of prayer. I owe you an apology as well. You prayed for me and yes, I have not been of late a good Steward of my body and your prayers. It is important as I am on this journey to be transparent about my struggles as well.
I have been praying about my triggers and negative attachments that essentially are what I have placed above God and that hinders my walk, with HIM. Last night I turned off the television at 9 pm – attachment, which does not yeild fruit; as a diabetic, I was for awhile on a journey, reducing the level of medication and instead of continuing, I added in unhealthy foods, resorted to a lack of exercise and reverted to stressors – all negative attachments.
I saw these attachments as sin that I am actively and knowingly engaging in. In my vision, I was walking on the beach towards the water ( the beach is my favorite place), really not walking but lumbering, and tied to my waist was a heavy rope. I was lumbering along because attached to the rope was a strong box. The box contained those attachments mentioned, my triggers, stressors, dreams deferred, fears, the I can’ts, anger, all of that and more that I have yet to uncover. It was so heavy and it slowed me down.
In my vision, I have a knife large enough to cut the rope, but I hesitate, almost fearfully. I hear the soft sweet comforting whisper say: “Trust in ME with all your heart And DAUGHTER do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways JUST acknowledge ME, And I promise you, I will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (paraphrased)
Right at that moment, it was like going through the billows, a time of refreshment. I turned and cut the rope. For a second, I felt fear and God spoke again “Be determined and confident. Do not be afraid! I will be with you. I will not fail you or abandon you.” —Deuteronomy 31:6 (paraphrased)
Rev. Jacki
Good Morning God’s Daughters,
Is saying Goodbye to our habits, ways and past difficult. I loved the song from Gladys Knight, but until I actually downloaded the lyrics – this statement: “For some unGodly reason we just won’t let it die” it took on another meaning for me as I pray it did for you.
It is unGodly for us to hold on to things as God says in his word: Isaiah 43:18-19 – “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” This is a saving scripture for me as it lifted me our of depression and ALL that comes with it.
This is not an easy job because as we examine our triggers, stressors, hurts, losses, pain, we really are asking either our Inner Child to grow up or telling the Inner Critic, it is not so! We have lived with both because our Inner Child is our innocence and our strength. The Inner Critic is a tyrant and a bully, bossing you around, making you feel bad, and telling you that you are guilty and not doing things right.
Some of the Inner Tryant has surfaced because some of us feel that things are our fault and we just can’t let go. It’s not! It is far more complicated than that, but when we do the work and watch and pray, it will become simpler, we just have to want to do the work. That is the complication.
This is an exercise that has helped me work on me. It was difficult, I cried, I was angry, but I pushed through, so please: In your journal or on a piece of paper or index card, write at the top of the page: SHARP EDGED CHILDREN’S TOYS – TOYS OF BATTLE and then write down all the behaviors and emotional states you have been “playing” with that are hurting you and today be determined to PUT YOUR TOYS AWAY. An example is provided below
On Dec 26, your Pastor Rev. Daymond preached about being childlike. in his sermon entitled “Bringing Your Children to Jesus”. Today I ask you after this exercise to get quiet and notice within you is a child and this child is your innocence, this child is your strength and this child is the Christ that resides within you. “I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.”—Galatians 2:20. Remember, you are God’s daughter – Remember, remember, and praise God for the inner critic would have you believe otherwise and it just ain’t so! I send you love and I pray daily for us all!
Rev. Jacki
Dear Sisters,
FRESH START MONDAY – Long Post – this is a “take your mobile device with you type” you know like to lunch, or instead of a magazine – to the bathroom, lol – My triggers ganged up and came out this weekend and whoa, it was something else– AND today the universe decided to use another’s trigger to work mine.
Friend calls (oh I got the 5:45 call, so it was not her) and tells me about a scenario that by giving into something, a mess was created. She was upset by the responses that she received. I prayed and listened, calmly explained what I was hearing from her and asked questions for clarification, and prayed again. However, God used that for me to see that while this statement “I got this” no longer causes me the internal stressors that it has, I STIIILLLLLLL GOT TONS OF WORK TO BE DONE.
Many of our triggers, (stressors) come from an area within where our beliefs about ourselves have become self-limiting. This happens because of someone else’s words, deeds and our own perception of what we believe the intent of another. As a result, we assimilate that self-limiting behavior into our mind, body and soul and the enemy whose job is to kill, steal and destroy, truly has our assistance in doing that – how? Because we begin to use words like, I can’t, it won’t work, I’ll try, see I told you s/he would do that, it’s not my fault, etc. and the biggest one is BUT. We are hurt by events that are precipitated, (triggered, activated, sparked, prompted) by others words actions and deeds. What we are feeling, our emotions, flows out of our thoughts. We, unfortunately can become – very defensive, aggressive with no filters or “I need to please” everyone thus making us feel inadequate, in some way shape or form and that builds FEAR in us.
In biblical prespective – let us review three scriptures:
“Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” Isaiah 41:10
The mind is the battlefield for one aspect of spiritual warfare as the demonic kingdom puts ideas into us to question all that we know about God. When they can get us to DOUBT any measure of God’s perfect love, power and provision for us, then fear overwhelm us.
Understanding and revelation from God’s word, coupled with a proactive application of that truth represents faith in action. The perfect love of the Father drives out fear but that must come from revelation not just head knowledge!
Today – I want you to meditate on this song – It was released in 1972 and it became one of this groups biggest hit singles to date, the last single the group released prior to them leaving Motown- which was a place of comfort even though it was uncomfortable in many aspects to their careers and they were not properly compensated.
This is also a testament to how hard this journey is and how necessary for some it may be to stick to it. Be Blessed today!
“Neither One Of Us”
It’s sad to think, we’re not gonna make it
And it’s gotten to the point where we just can’t fake it (Ooo)
For some unGodly reason we just won’t let it die (let it die)
I guess neither one of us (neither one of us)
Wants to be the first to say good bye
I keep on wondering (wondering)
What I’m gonna do with out ya (do without you)
And I guess you must be wondering that same thing too (Ooo)
So we go on, go on together living a lie (living our lie)
Because neither one of us (neither one of us)
Wants to be the first to say good bye
Oooooh ev’rytime I find the nerve
Everytime I find the nerve to say I’m leavin’ (leavin’)
Oh, memories, those old memories get in my way (my way my way)
Oh (Ooo) Lord knows it’s only me only knows it’s only me
That I’m deceiving
When it comes to saying good bye
That’s a simple word that I just cannot say
There can be no way, there can be no way
This can have a happy ending (happy ending)
So we just go on (we go on) hurting and pretending
And convincing ourselves to give it just one more try (one more try)
Because neither one of us (Neither one of us)
Wants to be the first to say
Neither one of us (neither one of us) Wants to be the first to say
Neither one of us (Neither one of us) wants to be the first to say
Farewell my love, goodbye (goodbye)
Rev. Jacki
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